Sunday, April 27, 2014

Expo-last blogg

This is my last blog for this semester in English 101. Overall this semester was pretty cool and I enjoyed it. It went by extremely faster than I imagined. Although it was a tad stressful, I managed decent grades and learned a lot of new material and got some refreshing on a  lot of old material that I learned in high school. We recently had a student expo for the students who contracted for an A and I was on of those students . We basically did a project or presentation about one of our papers that we did this semester. It was a good experience and it gave us a chance to see a variety of different power points and projects . We got to network and interact with other people and explain what we did as well as share our views on our particular topics. I was surprised that a lot of people didn't do the expo thing because it wasn't really a hard thing to do. I guess some people are just afraid of speaking to people they aren't comfortable around. Overall it was fun and I had a wonderful time. It was truly a learning experience and I look forward to doing something like that again.

Friday, April 4, 2014

outside the class 2

For the second outside the class assignment, I went to that history thing in the barn cabin on Tuesday. There they talked about different career paths with history and how they got to where they were in life. They stressed that academia wasn’t the only option to make a living. It was four different people there, all having different advice and different career paths. It was boring but interesting at the same time. One of the guys worked at a local environmental park here in Petersburg. He said he always had a passion for history. He also majored in history with a minor in political science. While i was there, they told us that you didn’t necessarily have to major in history to get involved in the field. There are many different paths. One lady worked in a museum on Ft Lee. She spent most of her time overseas and Europe doing many different things. She gave advice on to do something within the history filed that you would enjoy the most. She also stated to volunteer at places to get a feel on what it’s like to be in the certain career. Overall the experience was pretty neat. They all made good point on why a career in history would be great, but I personally don’t think that’s the career for me.